Need Help Navigating Your Life?

If your life has become difficult, stuck, or tiresome, it’s time to call on the angels for energetic support and guidance. The angelic realm will help you navigate the darkness to find the light.

Not sure how to call on the angels or if you may be blocking their help?

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About the Author

Dr. Marcia Martin has a Ph. D. in Theology, with a Master’s degree in both psychology and metaphysics. She is an ordained Metaphysical Minister, a bestselling author, and a public speaker. Dr. Marcia Martin is a spiritual empowerment counselor. She specializes in helping people heal their relationship with themselves and helping people recover from the emotional pain and trauma they’ve experienced in the past with an emphasis on narcissistic relationships.

My Own Journey of Transformation

When I first began my own journey down the path of healing and joyous transformation, I was stunned to discover that I was responsible for almost everything in my life.

I was shocked to learn that my thoughts weren’t random, that they didn’t just appear and weren’t innocent bystanders in the parade of life. “Now what,” I thought to myself in disgust as I struggled to control the chaos that was running rampant in my mind.

I didn’t have any answers, all I had were questions and confusion but I was determined to find the answer so I reached out to the angelic realm for help.

The response was almost overwhelming. It seemed as though only a heartbeat had passed before I was given what I had asked for.

My life fell apart. I was given opportunities, circumstances, and people who showed me how my thoughts were determining my reality. I went from one disaster to the next, until I began to accept and assume responsibility for my life and connect with myself. Slowly but surely, I learned, practiced, and consistently applied spiritual principles. Eventually, the lessons became less painful and more proactive and I began to grow. I began to love myself and see the beauty that was me. Many years later, I have mastered my thoughts, harnessed my energy, and see how truly simple the process could have been.

Now, it’s your turn. My goal is to empower you! It’s my extreme honor and privilege to guide you toward living the life of your dreams. I’m a clairaudient (hearing) angel communicator who has received much guidance and many tools from the angelic realm. I’ll teach you simple techniques and easy-to-understand methods that will enable you to let go of the past, release your fears, frustrations, limiting beliefs, and all negative self-talk so that you’ll be free to live a life that is filled with joy.